- Pump Station H Rehabilitation Phase 2
- Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Grit Dewatering Equipment Replacement and Reactor Drain Improvements
- Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation Phase 4
- WD-2910 Procurement and Installation of Medium and Large Diameter Valves for Regional Pipelines
- EBMUD Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Oxygen Plant Rehabilitation
- Sunnydale Pump Station Safety Improvements, Contract No. WW-755
- Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant 040/041/043 Health & Safety Improvements, Contract No. WW-742
- Laguna Treatment Plant Filter Cells 9-14 Valve and Actuator Replacement
- City of Parlier Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements
- SFPUC Moccasin Compound Water System Filtration Addition
- SFPUC San Joaquin Pipeline Valve and Safe Entry Improvements: Phase 2A
- Sunol Valley Chemical Facility Improvements
- Channel Pump Station Bar Screen Replacement
- SFPUC Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant Ozonation
- Influent Wet Well Screen Improvements
- Moccasin Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement
- South Primary Clarifier Rehabilitation
- West Napa Pump Station Redundancy
- Mariposa Dry Weather Pump Station Improvements
- SEP New Headworks Construction III.10 - Scope 3-19 (Structural Steel)
- West Sacramento Sludge Collectors Replacement
- West Lake Tahoe Regional Water Treatment Plant
- CMSA Secondary Clarifier No. 3 Rehabilitation
- SEP New Headworks Construction - Scope III Solicitation 7
- Turlock City Wide Chlorination
- WW-685R North Shore Pump Station Wet Weather Improvements
- Calcium Thiosulfate Chemical Feed System
- Cogeneration System Installation Project
- WW-645R Westside Pump Station Reliability Improvements
- SEP Headworks Scope III.5 - Process Piping and Pipe Rack Steel
- Sailor Bar Pump Station Rehabilitation
- Sobrante Water Treatment Plant Maintenance and Safety Improvements
- Primary Sedimentation Tanks Rehabilitation and Equipment Room Electrical Upgrade
- Union Sanitary District Aeration Blower No. 11 Project
- Russian River Treatment Plant Seismic Retrofit of Secondary Clarifiers
- WQCP Secondary Clarifiers No. 1 and No. 2 Rehabilitation
- KCWD Water System Improvements
- Randall-Bold WTP Chemical Storage Improvements
- Digesters Rehabilitation and Inspection Services
- CCCSD Filter Plant and Clearwell Improvements - Phase 1A
- Turlock Arsenic Mitigation Project Well 38 ICF Treatment
- CCCSD Influent Pump Electrical Improvements Project
- American Valley WWTP Improvements Project
- EBMUD Acorn No. 1, Derby, Scenic, and Scenic East Reservoirs Rehabilitation - Specification 2153
- WW-662R Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant Power Feed and Primary Switchgear Upgrades
- Suisun-Solano Cement Hill WTP Chemical System Rehabilitation Project
- Fairfield-Suisun Digester Reliability Improvement Project
- Brentwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion - Phase II
- West Napa Pump Station Project
- EBMUD Orinda WTP Maintenance and Scouring Air System Upgrade
- Primary Clarifier and DAF Clarifier Rehabilitation Project
- Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements
- SFPUC SEP New Headworks Scope III, Bid Solicitation 3
- Riverstone Wastewater Treatment Plant Project, Phase 2
- Owens Lake Dust Mitigation Project Phase 7A
- Compressed Biogas Fueling Facilities Project, Phase 2
- Fresno RWRF Dewatering Improvements
- Roseville Dry Creek WWTP Influent Pump Station Replacement
- Arsenic Removal Water Treatment Plant
- Riverstone Wastewater Treatment Plant Project
- Mission Bell Winery Water Reuse Facility
- Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District Biogas Energy Recovery
- CMSA Wet Weather Improvements Project
- Napa Berryessa Resort Improvement District Water and Wastewater Systems
- Codiga Resource Recovery Center
- SFPUC Lake Merced Pump Station
- SFPUC Southeast Plant Disinfection Project
- SFPUC Griffith Pump Station
- Calistoga Ranch Membrane Bioreactor System
- ABEC Bidart - Old River Dairy
- Large Winery Waste to Energy Project
- City of Woodland WPCF Aeration System Retrofit
- San Francisco Groundwater Supply Wells Stations
- City of Manteca Wastewater Quality Control Facility – Digester Improvements Project
- Olivehurst Public Utilities District Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
- Ironhouse Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
- City of Placerville Hangtown Creek Water Reclamation Facility
- City of Madera Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade
- SFPUC Groundwater Supply Pump Stations, Phase 2
- White Slough Water Polution Control Facility Phase 3 Improvements
Posts by category
- Category: Uncategorized
- Mariposa Pump Station in the News
- Manteca Waste to Fuel Ribbon Cutting
- Yuba City Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Groundbreak
- Overcoming Unique Challenges – Manteca Digester Covers Demolition
- Western Water Family Fun Day 2018
- Western Water is Proud to Support the North Bay Construction Corps
- Manteca CNG Groundbreak
- WW Featured in SFPUC SSIP Town Hall Media
- Ken Kreischer – The Next NCBE President